Monday 14 July 2008

Pet Peeves

Patience is truly a virtue, especially in my profession and I have a long way to go. Most people hate going to the dentist, and many sit down in my chair look me straight in the eye and go " I hate the dentist". Well in case you haven't noticed I happen to be one! I just think its rude. You can be scared of me, but hate is such a strong word.

Now don't get me wrong I understand dental treatment can be scary and painful, especially if you have neglected your teeth for years and decided to visit me when a tooth starts aching. I empathise, I try to be as patient as humanly possible by myself, but I fail sometimes as I am only human. Something most patients never understand like you we too are mere mortals.

Some of the many excuses I get for rotten teeth/ neglected oral hygiene that really bother me.

1. " My mum had rotten teeth its in the family"

Its a myth, decay is not infectious like influenza, you do not catch it from someone you develop it because of poor dietary habits or poor oral hygiene in 95% of the cases. Don't blame mum or extended family for your rotten teeth!

2. " My teeth just started crumbling after the kids were born they took all my calcium"

Its a myth, yes research in its very very nascent stage is looking into reduced Vitamin D levels in young mums affecting their teeth. But your teeth are not rotting because of that, they are neglected and they are now crumbling like any neglected abused item would.

3. " I don't like the feeling of flossing I won't do it"

Well I wish I could say that, I don't like cleaning your neglected smoke stained mouth I wont do it! We all have to do things we don't like because their benefits far outweigh the actual dislike/discomfort. Its only a piece of thread !

4. " I think my 4- year old sons teeth are stained does he need them polished/whitened"

Key point here, he is FOUR.

5. Don't come in for your check up with yesterdays dinner stuck between your teeth, its rude! You don't go shopping and try on clothes after a one hour sweaty session at the gym, or do you?

6. No it is not ok to use your mobile phone to answer calls when you are sitting in my chair and taking up 15 minutes of my precious time.

I could go on forever but these are a few of my pet peeves. We all have to suffer idiots, thankfully they make up a very small percentage of my day.

My long day was made a little better by my youngest patient of the day a 6- month old little girl. Mums health visitor noticed her bottom baby teeth coming through and advised her to take baby to the dentist. She was perfect, she chewed on my gloves and gurgled and smiled. I don't think she hates me, she wasn't vocal about it. Mum took a picture of me checking her teeth, and I will soon be added to her scrapbook under baby's first day at the dentist. This was my first scrapbook entry and it made me realise why I love my profession.


Anonymous said...
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Pooja Nair said...


I am so thrilled I decided to write about my root-canal-reatment and. So much gladder that it occured to me to send it to you!

Thank you so much for sharing your blog.

I love well-written, relevant educative blogs especially when it is sprinkled with humour!!!!

There! I am turning poetic. :D

Anonymous said...

I have been putting off the visit to a dentsist for a long time until now after reading Pooja's and your blog.
I thoroughly enjoyed your 'Pet peeves'.Infact thanks to Pooja that i could read your blog.
Just as Pooja says i too am scared of a visit to a dentist..
Thanks for telling us what all goes inside your minds as well..Now i must remember the do's and the don'ts before going to one..
Had i not read this blog, even i would have blamed my genes for my bad teeth(Isn't that the easiest way out?)Now i better not....

Great you will be in the baby's scrap book s her first dentist..That was soo cute..Will u send us the pic of the lil baby with you..
Meena aunty