Friday 22 August 2008


Yes it's true, I have to share my S with Maggi. He has an undying affection for Maggi and me. We have crossed continents and he still yearns for her. The carb rich masala laden slurpy slippery thing that she is. Recently he has not had easy access to her. This has caused withdrawal symptoms. He has made many trips to the local Indian store, pacing the aisles trying to spot her but someone seems to get to her before him.

Two weeks ago we made a trip to Saravana Bhavan in the east end for a dosa hit. I should have realised then, that this long trek to the other end was not to see friends and their new born bundle of joy or for dosa. It had more ulterior motives. S had come to find his masala hit. There she was squashed into two cardboard boxes in one corner of Shakti stores. Masala Maggi! I pretended not to know him while he stuffed her into his basket his hands quivering with joy. He happily stuffed his plastic bag with maggi not noticing the look of surprise and sympathy on the cashiers face. The cashier then glared at me, wondering why the poor man did not have a wife who could cook him a decent meal, little did he know.

All is well with his world now as my my nemesis lies stuffed in our kitchen cabinets.


Anonymous said...

masala maggi is heaven.. :).. dont know why you dont see it's magic. they have maggi in our canteen and there are very few people who can resist digging in when some generous soul orders it. :). but of course, the carb-ness of it means that i can't eat it anymore. but i would if i could. :)

Chinchu said...

Well darling if you can't eat the carbs I most definitely cannot. The only magic I see is my ever expanding girth.I can have the occasional maggi, but now that we have enough to feed a small nation it might become a daily fixture ( sigh!).

Anonymous said...

Wonder if it runs in the family,S' cousins here can live on Maggi 365 days!!!
They love it so much that they even plan to cook it in their hostel,ofcourse out of the Warden's watchful eyes.
As anju says there are very few people who can resist this magic masala,including me..

Pooja Nair said...

To address this very "health concern" they came up wiht 'atta maggie' claiming to be made of wheat and therefore good for health.

i think they used the line "health bhi taste bhi"

not sure if that worked.

But we know that the original masala maggie always works. yum!!!

Chinchu said...

Meena aunty,
I guess its hereditary then :) I cannot eat maggi every night, I think S can and does since we restocked. I guess I have other vices which dont include maggi.

I got some atta maggi for myself. I think they taste pretty much the same as masala, except for the dehyrdated veggies they have included.

Siddharth said...

lol.. i owe maggi my stomach and my life pretty much :P it has bailed me out of soooooo many times when ive been starving in the middle of the night and nowhere to go and nothing to eat.. its is a college students survival kit.. and you can do all sorts of interesting things to it. like add onions or some salami and so on.. its also very useful if its the end of month :D