Wednesday 4 June 2008

Turning 30

Yes dahlings, it has finally happened. I crossed over into nether nether land. I turned 30. When you are 10 you can't wait to be 16. You want no deadlines on your nights out, you want to grow taller, grow breasts, wear a bra, wear short skirts. You can't wait to have your arms waxed, get a boyfriend, get rid of the glasses and be popular.

Then you're racing towards 20 because you want to get older, you need your independence, you curse the day you discovered waxing, you decide you can never be thin enough, you have your heart broken and mended, you want a driving licence, you want to earn some moolah, experiment, travel, get more boyfriends, discover alcohol, get drunk and find your place in this world.

Now that I am 30 I enter a new chapter in my life wiser (and wider) knowing I enjoyed the last 20 years. I had a great birthday, thanks to S, with a lot of bubbly at a French pub , a dash of jazz, a little bit of love, and a lovely picnic feast from Fortnum and Mason at Green Park.

Here's to turning 30.

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